Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to find my stuff. Chapter 1.

Please let me know if there are any permissions issues or if this info seems incomplete. I tried to make everything public but may have missed things.

The output from SMOKE/emissions input to CMAQ are all on mercury in:
There is a separate subfolder for each scenario I did (baseline, no HDDV, no onroad, no PTIPM)

The output from CMAQ is on mercury in:
Again there's a subfolder for each scenario.

On SOX I have all the data and scripts I used to make plots, and the plots themselves. They are in folders generally pertaining to the type of plot:

/Users/luedke/8hr_max : getting the average monthly 8hr max ozone

/Users/luedke/extreme_plotting : plotting extreme events. some scripts are to plot the frequency and location of these events, and others are for percentage contribution only during those events. what constitutes an "extreme event" can be defined by you.

/Users/luedke/making_averages : here is where i made averages of emissions from the SMOKE output to compare with NEI attributes listed on the EPA website

/Users/luedke/nitrate_plotting : nitrate pm2.5

/Users/luedke/no2_plotting : NO2 plots across the whole CONUS

/Users/luedke/nox_plotting_in_the_east : NO and NO2 across just east US

/Users/luedke/ozone_plotting : monthly average ozone. not as useful as 8hr max so this didn't make it to my thesis.

/Users/luedke/pm25_plotting : total PM2.5, calculated by just adding all the PM2.5 species together (see previous blog post about getting PM2.5 from CMAQ. this is the result of the simplest method from the CMAS presentation in 2010)

/Users/luedke/sulfate_plotting : sulfate pm2.5

On NOX I have all the SMOKE goodies. In the future our group will hopefully be using an updated version of SMOKE and this may not be useful (I used 2.4), but here it is:

/home/luedke/assigns : where my assigns files are. some sectors needed different scripts which was dumb but that's why there are some extras

/home/luedke/go : where my runscripts are for each sector and for merging them

/home/luedke/intermed/2002ac : intermediate data from each sector script. the results of merging in the right combination were moved to mercury.

thank you and good day.

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