Friday, April 8, 2011

Running CMAQ with mis-matched emissions & met years

It's possible (and common) to run CMAQ with mis-matched emissions and meteorology years (eg. because the NEI is only released every 3 years). If emissions are processed in SMOKE with the same meteorology to be used in CMAQ, then you're all set. However, if you're using emissions already processed in SMOKE with a different year (eg. Steve's 2003 CONUS files) than the meteorology year (eg. 2005) then you need to modify the emissions files to match the timesteps in the meteorology.

To do this, DO NOT use M3EDHDR - as this only changes the SDATE in the file and not the embedded timestep array and will cause CCTM to not be able to read in your files. Instead, use M3TSHIFT (also an m3tool included with IOAPI).

A sample script for changing files for Dec/Jan and Jun/Jul, from 2003 to 2005 can be found here on SOx: /Users/bickford/data/conv_tools/m3tools_scripts/m3tshift_2003conus.csh

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