So, as most of you know, I'm currently working on some scripts that will regrid and reproject satellite data into a usable form. I'm doing this by writing a python framework, and I'm building it with the intention that it should be easy enough to add functionality for a given projection/regridding algorithm once I'm done.
That said, if down the line someone needs a projection I didn't initially program in, they'll have to either A) wait for me to code it in for them or B) figure out enough of how the program works to code in a projection themselves. Neither of those options would take too terribly long, but I figured I'd put as many useful projections in the program as I can now, so that later no one has to wait at all.
The only problem is, I don't really know what projections people want! For now, all I've programmed is the lambert conic conformal, so any and all suggestions are welcome! They don't take long to program, and it's actually kind of fun, so don't be shy. Just drop me a comment below with any projection you'd like to see and I'll put it in there for you.